The Waikaia Valley is one of Southland’s best kept secrets, with its glistening snow topped mountains, tussock grasslands and beautiful rivers as the backdrop to a strong rural farming community.
Our village has a picturesque golf course, strong sporting clubs and facilities including, rugby, tennis, squash and playgroup. The Switzer’s Museum has recently been completed and is world class. We have a well-appointed camping ground and welcome local and overseas tourists alike.
Waikaia School is a two-classroom school with fantastic facilities, library, playground and fields. We have the latest technology available to all students with Chrome books and iPads for each child. Education outside the classroom is encouraged and students experience camps, ski trips, cultural and art activities, swimming and many other school trips.
The school is the hub of the town and we pride ourselves on being able to take advantage of all educational opportunities on offer, utilizing local knowledge and resources and especially strive to involve our local community in school events.
The school values (shown below) are reflected in their learning, social, cultural and sporting experiences at Waikaia. These are the attributes we strive for our students to have, along with achieving our high expectations in all curriculum areas. Students take ownership of their learning and there is always positive feedback on their integration into further learning institutions.
An extremely supportive Board, and motivated Home & School Committee, together with the local community actively fundraise to allow us to give our students remarkable learning opportunities, resources and experiences outside the classroom. This commitment of teachers, parents, whanau and volunteers ensure our students’ are provided with the best possible education.

Waikaia School provides a safe and supportive environment where children, staff and the school community will have respect for themselves, others and the environment. Through this they will develop skills to become independent and life long learners.
to be kind
kia manawanui
to be responsible
to do our best
mo te hemo tonu atu

Phillipus Gerber
Principal | Senior Years Teacher
Switzers Room

Kate Stone
Office Administrator

Jacqui Burgess
Teacher | Junior Years
Waikaia Room

Annie Soper
Teacher Aide

Sarah McClintock
Principal Release

Megan Horrell
Clarke Horrell - bot5@waikaia.school.nz
Presiding Member
Michael Goulding - bot7@waikaia.school.nz
Jeremy Gunton - bot8@waikaia.school.nz
James McKee - bot4@waikaia.school.nz
Georgie Christie - bot6@waikaia.school.nz
Michelle Houghton - principal@waikaia.school.nz
Minute Secretary
Jane Allen
The Home and School committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month. All welcome to attend.
Please contact the chair if you have any matters to discuss at the meeting.
Sally Gunton
Megan Horrell
Tessa Geddes
Jess McKee
Through planning and financial support all students at Waikaia School are given equal opportunity to take part in various activities within the wider region. Our Home & School committee work hard to ensure that we are well equipped to keep our excellent teacher to student ratio and give our students a range of experiences throughout the school year. Our fundraising also supports us to have specialist visitors and fun and stimulating activities outside the usual confines of a classroom.
Waikaia School works with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our Board of Trustees has the opportunity to view changes / additions and comment on them before they are implemented. We will advise you when policies are up for review and how you can take part in the review.
We invite you to visit the site by clicking on SchoolDocs http://waikaia.schooldocs.co.nz
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